The Fourth workshop on the accreditation process was held at the University of Trnava (UT), on the 18th and 19th of December 2023 during the period 18-19 December, 2023. Consortium members from the University of Sousse (Uso) and the University of Trnava (UT) attended the event in person. In contrast, University of Cádiz (UCA), the University of L’Aquila (UNIVAQ) and University of León (ULe) members participated in the workshop activities online.

The main objectives of the Fourth workshop on the accreditation process were:
- Review of deliverables D1.13 : Joint Students services
- Review of deliverables D1.15 :Joint administrative and financial management by the consortium
- Review of deliverables D1.16 : A joint degree policy
- Review of deliverable D1.17 : A draft joint partnership agreement
- Review of deliverable D1.18 : A draft joint Student Agreement
- Presentation of the new EMJM proposal
- Discussion and distribution of the part to be accomplished in the template of ERASMUS EMJM Project “Tpl_Application Form (Part B)” between partners
Figure 1. Fourth workshop on the accreditation process photos :
The academic agenda was completed with a visit to the Telemedicine simulation center in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Work, University of Trnava
Figure 2. Visit to the Telemedicine simulation center in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Work, University of Trnava :