The accreditation workshop was held in Italy and organized by the University of L’Aquila (face-to-face and remotely) during the period 26-28 July, 2023 (M9).
The working agenda of the workshop focused on the validation of the matrices of modules and syllabi. We also worked on the Joint accreditation process & the Joint procedures specifying the students application selection and monitoring.
The opening ceremony, held in the University of L’Aquila, was chaired by Professor Carlo Cecati and Professor Olfa Bel Hadj Brahim, the coordinator of the project. In addition to the members of the University of L’Aquila team, the meetings were attended by professors from the coordinating University of the project (Sousse, Tunisia), and from the European Universities of Cadiz (Spain) and León (Spain) attended the meeting in person. In contrast, University of Trnava (Slovakia) members participated in this event online.
The next accreditation workshop will take place in Sousse, Tunisia in October 2023

Workshop photos
The academic agenda was completed with a visit to the the Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains National Park of L’Aquila, which served as a welcome to all participating partners and an opportunity to strengthen cultural ties.