Task 1.1: Project management and partnership agreement: Elaboration of project documentation as Consortium agreement and partnership agreements, and financial documents. Creation of Steering Committee of the project, creation of teams leading each work package. Management of budget of the project.
Coordination of all the project activities and meetings.
Task 1.2: Specific infrastructure and resources needs identification: Conduct to specific needs of resources, software and hardware materials for this AIRES project.
Task 1.3: Competencies framework elaboration: Identify and develop the competency frameworks related to this Master's degree.
Task 1.4: Syllabus design: Prepare the ILO program, Matrix of modules, Joint programme Curriculum, Teaching approach, Syllabus (Template): Course
specification, etc.
Task 1.5: Accreditation and definition of the Joint Procedure: Accredit the new Master program in the different partner countries, according to a quality standard corresponding to each country.
Task 1.6: Quality control and monitoring: Continuous monitoring of activities and results will be carried out throughout the duration of the project.